E-ISSN 2583-7761

Case Report

Online Publishing Date:
04 / 03 / 2024


Van Der Knaap disease in a 5 year old male child : A Case Report

Kunal Raj Kumar Agrawal.

We present a case of 5 years old male child presenting with complains of recurrent fall while walking followed by seizure activity with developmental delay

Key words: Van der Knaap disease, Megaencephalic leukoencephalopathy, Vanishing white matter disease

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Pubmed Style

Kunal Raj Kumar Agrawal. Van Der Knaap disease in a 5 year old male child : A Case Report. A-JMRHS . 2023; 1(3): 71-74. doi:10.5455/AJMRHS.1107202300017

Web Style

Kunal Raj Kumar Agrawal. Van Der Knaap disease in a 5 year old male child : A Case Report. https://www.ajmrhs.com/?mno=149310 [Access: July 18, 2024]. doi:10.5455/AJMRHS.1107202300017

AMA (American Medical Association) Style

Kunal Raj Kumar Agrawal. Van Der Knaap disease in a 5 year old male child : A Case Report. A-JMRHS . 2023; 1(3): 71-74. doi:10.5455/AJMRHS.1107202300017

Vancouver/ICMJE Style

Kunal Raj Kumar Agrawal. Van Der Knaap disease in a 5 year old male child : A Case Report. A-JMRHS . (2023), [cited July 18, 2024]; 1(3): 71-74. doi:10.5455/AJMRHS.1107202300017

Harvard Style

Kunal Raj Kumar Agrawal (2023) Van Der Knaap disease in a 5 year old male child : A Case Report. A-JMRHS , 1 (3), 71-74. doi:10.5455/AJMRHS.1107202300017

Turabian Style

Kunal Raj Kumar Agrawal. 2023. Van Der Knaap disease in a 5 year old male child : A Case Report. Asian Journal of Medical Research & Health Sciences (A-JMRHS), 1 (3), 71-74. doi:10.5455/AJMRHS.1107202300017

Chicago Style

Kunal Raj Kumar Agrawal. "Van Der Knaap disease in a 5 year old male child : A Case Report." Asian Journal of Medical Research & Health Sciences (A-JMRHS) 1 (2023), 71-74. doi:10.5455/AJMRHS.1107202300017

MLA (The Modern Language Association) Style

Kunal Raj Kumar Agrawal. "Van Der Knaap disease in a 5 year old male child : A Case Report." Asian Journal of Medical Research & Health Sciences (A-JMRHS) 1.3 (2023), 71-74. Print. doi:10.5455/AJMRHS.1107202300017

APA (American Psychological Association) Style

Kunal Raj Kumar Agrawal (2023) Van Der Knaap disease in a 5 year old male child : A Case Report. Asian Journal of Medical Research & Health Sciences (A-JMRHS), 1 (3), 71-74. doi:10.5455/AJMRHS.1107202300017